With the end of the project, one question was raised: how can this project motivate public authorities and public procurers to use the main results of the project and endeavour purchasing innovative solutions for the improvement of municipal waste management? Several steps can be taken to ensure the impact and exploitation of PPI4Waste beyond its completion.
- Spreading the word: Results, outcomes and conclusions of PPI4Waste project are all gathered in several reports which will stay available on this website. To continue discussing on the topics raised by the project, it is still possible to join the Procurement Forum and contribute to the discussion.
- Collaboration and capitalisation with other European initiatives: contacts have been established with key projects to foster mutually beneficial coordination synergies and favour mutual learning. Other European initiatives are warmly invited to use and build on the results of PPI4Waste.
- Applying project results in other projects, sectors and countries: Activities and researches conducted during PPI4Waste have highlighted that a key aspect of uptake of PPI is via pilot projects of cross border collaborative PPI. A “Roadmap for a progressive improvement” has been published where possible actions, potential and barriers for cross border PPI are explored. This document could be used as a basis for the development of other projects.
- Future of the PPI4Waste communities: members of PPI4Waste communities are invited to continue the discussion on the dedicated groups on the Procurement Forum. The group dedicated to the Interest Group, now named “Discussion Group: Waste, Resources and the Circular Economy“, is a platform for discussion on the topics of waste management, resource efficiency and the circular economy. While primarily aimed at municipal waste management experts, procurers and policy makers, the group is open to anyone with an interest in these topics and galvanising public uptake of innovative waste solutions. Another possibility to deepen the topic and continue working on public procurement of innovation and sustainable management of waste is to collaborate within existing structures and networks already active on this topic, for instance ACR+ and ICLEI. These networks ensure long term cooperation between procurers and their stakeholders and provide opportunities for exchange of expertise and common projects capitalising on the findings of PPI4Waste.