The Mancomunidad del Sur was established in January 2013 as a result of the application of the management model that Madrid has provided in its Waste Strategy 2006-2016.
The Mancomunidad del Sur is designing a strategy for the implementation of new technologies that allow us to collaborate with the rest of the Community of Madrid in achieving the target set for 2016.
This objective is to reduce biodegradable waste entering the landfill. In 2016, the incoming waste will be 35% lower than in 1995.
To achieve the goals, the Mancomunidad del Sur needs the support of citizens. Awareness of “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” and other forms of recovery of waste are key to compliance.
The municipalities that make up the Mancomunidad del Sur are 67. These municipalities have a total of 1,885,608 registered habitants in 2012. Therefore, this is one of the largest associations of Spanish territory.