The European Secretariat of ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI Europe) addresses local sustainability in Europe, working closely with local governments and their partners to achieve this. Linked to the international association founded in 1990 (as the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) at the United Nations in New York, ICLEI has a growing global membership (+1200 cities, towns, counties and their associations worldwide). ICLEI works through performance-based, results-oriented campaigns and programmes to achieve tangible improvements in global environmental and sustainable urban development –
ICLEI Europe, based in Freiburg, Germany, has a staff of 50+. Working through thematic teams with a wide range of expertise and extensive experience in European project coordination and partnering, the organisation has a strong focus on building capacity, sharing knowledge, and supporting local governments in the implementation of sustainable development at community level –
Building on a wide range of experiences in the field of climate protection, sustainable public procurement, integrated management and urban governance, ICLEI Europe often acts as a facilitator between local government and the private sector that provide advanced and sustainable technical solutions for the urban challenges of today.