ACR+ is an international network of cities and regions that has been developing an information and best practices exchange platform on material resource management, following the multi-R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) approach, and this since 1994.
ACR+ network gathers almost 90 members, representing more than 1000 municipalities, including cities and regions with the most active waste and resource policies. In an innovative and transparent way, ACR+ encourages the evolution of material resource management and use to increase the adoption of more circular methods.
Initially, ACR+ focused on boosting knowledge exchange and good practices around methods of waste collection. More recently, ACR+ has begun compiling an inventory of policy initiatives (on national, regional and local levels) related to strategic territorial planning of the circular economy. In November 2014, ACR+ launched the Circular Europe Network to support local and regional authorities in being ambitious on circular economy by helping them to adopt aspiring circular economy strategies.
Ultimately, it is the evolution of European policy that is at the heart of ACR+’s work, with publications, conferences and workshops actively contributing to EU initiatives on eco-innovation. ACR+ is the European coordinator of the LIFE+ Project European Week for Waste Reduction (