The PPI4Waste State of the Art workshop brought together public procurers, suppliers and consultants in the field of waste management from all over Europe to discuss procurement needs and showcase state of the art solutions for specific areas of waste management.
A special focus was given on:
- – Plastic separation
- – Bio-waste collection
- – Bulky waste management
- – Decision support systems and organisational infrastructure
Introduction to the PPI4waste project – Anne Dominique Furphy, IAT
It’s a waste to waste waste – Keynote speech by Herman Huisman, RWS
Best Practice Example
An innovative soultion from waste management for Ireland – Dara McGowan, Meath County
Supplier’s pitch slam
Giswaste tool – David San Martín
Teimas Desenvolvemento – Juan Daniel Cid
Treelogic – Miguel Ángel García Baz
Kyron – Don Coughlan (to be published)
Members of the PPI4Waste Interest Group benefited from a priority access to the event and the opportunity to showcase their solutions and learn about upcoming tenders in face to face meetings with public procurers from across Europe.